Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Publishing with 64-bit capability from Unity/3D to Google Play

From August 1, all new apps and updates that include native code are required to provide 64-bit versions in addition to 32-bit versions when publishing to Google Play.

Google now also recommends a new package file format, Android App Bundle (aab), instead of the usual packages (apk), when uploading to Google Play.

I found it hard to find documentation on exactly how to do the uploading from Unity/3D.

After some trial and error these were my settings.

Build settings:

(aab instead of apk)

Player settings/other settings:

IL2CPP has to be chosen instead of Mono. ARM64 must be checked. x86 has been deprecated from version 2019.2.2.

API-level has to be at least 21. If you can't set the API-level (common error reported in the Unity forums) try changing API compatibility level and then change it back. It worked for me.

I hope this can be of help to someone. Please comment if you think I missed something.

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